The Charter of the Sathya Sai Organization which in 1992 replaced the much older one applies to all countries of the world. It was approved by the then International Chariman of the International Sathya Sai Organization, Indulal Shah, who had penned the draft himself and who had allowed only minimal changes, despite much constructive feedback from other countries, including those by th U.K. and European committees. Shah chose to ignore almost all of the feedback and even dismissed the able Central Coordinator, Lucas Ralli of UK, largely as a result of the suggestions he forwarded from the UK Sathya Sai Organization. Notable among the additions to the charter in 1992 were the statements on the the aims of the organization and the regulations governing conditions for membership.

Additional guidelines and regulations

The universal goal of all centers

(1) Devotees should be fully conversant with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's teaching and should do their best conscientiously to follow the teacher in daily life.

(2) Devotees should believe that Bhagavan Baba's life and teachings are Divine.

(3) Devotees should believe that all forms of God are one and that all religions are different aspects of the sole eternal truth.

(4) There must no formal cooperation with the government, no fees for membership and no collection of monetary contributions from the public.

The Aims of the Sai Organisationen

The Sai Organization's purpose is to create an environment where spiritual aspirants can make progress, partly by studying Bhagavan Baba's teachings and sacred writings of all religions, and by participation in the work of the organization's three wings. The organization should provide the individual with opportunities to discover their own identity, namely as Divinity. Sai workers exemplary lives in the community will inevitably encourage other citizens to join the organization. This will also raise awareness about the Sai avatar and the importance of His teachings for happiness and peace. To achieve this, the steps the organization should are as follows:

(1) The organization should serve as a means for people to practise spiritual and service activities with a view to their own development. Further, to enable them to experience the Omnipresent Divine, not as a lifeless or passive being, but as a vibrant force contributing in our daily lives; in order to discover through this their own innate Divinity, and to achieve both self-confidence and trust in God.

(2) To help individuals to overcome their lower impulses such as anger, hatred, jealousy, selfishness, pettiness, desire for status, name, fame and wealth, etc., and to assist in the development from the animal to the human level and thence onward to Divinity.

(3) To achieve the above by creating interest in repeating the name of God, in meditation and other spiritual exercises, such as devotional singing and study circles; and by giving children Sai Spiritual Eduation and undertaking service activities for fellow human welfare.

(4) To encourage and motivate compliance with Sri Sathya Sai's Nine Living Rules and Ten Principles by practicing these themselves and being living examples to family and neighbors.

Danish text of above excerpt from The Charter of the Sathya Sai Organization

Supplerende vejiedning og retningslinier
Det universelle mål for alle centre

(1) De hengivne bør vaere fuldt fortrolige med Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Babas Isere og bør gøre deres bedste for samvittighedsfuldt at følge denne laere i del daglige.

(2) De hengivne bør tro pa, at Bhagavan Baba's liv og laere er Gud-dommelige.

(3) De hengivne bør tro pa, at alle Guds former er et, og at alle religioner er forskellige aspekter af den eneste evige sandhed.

(4) Der må ikke forekomme noget formelt samarbejde med regeringen, eller krav om betaling af medlemskontingent eller indsamling af bidrag fra offentligheden.

Sai Organisationens formal

Sai Organisationens formal er at skabe et miljø, hvor andelige aspiranter kan gøre fremskridt, dels ved at studere Bhagavan Baba's lære og alle religioners hellige skrifter, dels ved deltagelse i arbejdet i organisationens tre fløje. Organisationen bør give den enkelte muligheder for at opdage sin egen identitet, nemlig Guddommelighed. Ude i samfundet vil Sai-arbejdernes eksemplariske livsførelse uvægerligt opmuntre andre samfundsborgere til at slutte sig til organisationen. Dette vil også skabe opmærksomhed om Sai-Avatarens og Hans læres betydning for lykke og fred. For at opnå dette kan de skridt, organisationen bør tage, opregnes som følger:

(1) Organisationen bør tjene som et middel for den enkelte til at påtage sig andelige aktiviteter og tjeneste med henblik pa vedkom-mendes videre udvikling.

Desuden at sætte den pågældende i stand til at opleve den Allestedsnaerværende Guddom, ikke som et livløst og passivt væsen, men som en levende og medvirkende kraft i vort daglige liv; til i denne proces at opdage sin egen medfødte Guddommelighed; og til at opnå bade selvtillid og tillid til Gud.

(2) At hjælpe den enkelte til at overvinde sine lavere impulser, så som vrede, had, misundelse, selviskhed, smålighed; begaer efter position, navn, berømmelse og velstand etc.; og at hjælpe med udviklingen fra del dyriske til et menneskeligt niveau og derfra videre til Guddommelighed.

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