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At Sathya Sai Baba's ashrams A pragmatic warts-and-all account of life and incidents – amusing and otherwise - in the mini-worlds of Sathya Sai Baba's ashrams in Puttaparthi and Whitefield (nr. Bangalore ). Including some of the most entertainingly absurd and laughable incidents and accounts that can probably be found anywhere in the world today in the Sai Baba hothouse of the cranky and the peculiar. A new series about life and incidents – amusing and otherwise - in the mini-worlds of Sathya Sai Baba's ashrams in Puttaparthi and Whitefield (nr. Bangalore ).

Visitors to Sathya Sai Baba
In the ashram one is supposed to keep oneself strictly to oneself, not talk, not form friendships or other associations. The reason given is pseudo-spiritual, the actual reason is doubtless the attempt to control information, especially suppress negative facts. Sai Baba is aided in this by his staff, professors and his blindly devoted chosen office-bearers who will say and do anything he says.

Sathya Sai ashrams - 2 - the otherwise unreported problems, dangers and comic aspects 
Each year, thousands of foreigners visit Sai Baba's ashrams, having been indoctrinated by a mass of Sai Baba propaganda from books, public meetings, videos and on the internet. This is one of the very few uncensored accounts which tells things that are as they are. The God who says that he alone among all knows that he is God sails by, now in a bizarre motorised silver traditional Indian chariot (a converted jeep!).

At Sathya Sai Baba's ashrams - 3
On why foreigners visit Sathya Sai Baba's ashrams and about some of the dangers they risk from theft, corruption, embezzlement and worse. Buying into the Sai Baba ashram is now exorbitantly expensive, and one has absolutely no legal rights, even of occupancy for more than up to 1 month per annum! All the increasing difficulties and scams a visitor can face - the dangers they risk from theft, corruption, embezzlement and worse - are explained away as "tests of faith by Swami"!

Sathya Sai Ashrams - 4 Dangers, surveillance, amusing incidents
Manipulation of people: flattery is a powerful tool, those who cannot resist it are probably a majority of Sai devotees.
From his elaborate golden and silver thrones, Sathya Sai Baba directs all events within his ashram. He uses flattery, and – when a person is hooked – he manipulates them very cleverly, [as well as Derren Brown does when on top form]. One should be warned of the unknown facts about visiting Prashanthi Nilayam. There are many dangers about which no one is ever informed and the tightest security controls the ashram, where secret surveillance and complete censorship of anything untoward is rigorously observed. An interesting incident occurred illustrating this when Shoko Asahara's men tried to muscle in on the ashram.

At Sathya Sai ashrams - 5 & Seekers of healing, boons, miracles
Many suffering and sick people go to Sathya Sai Baba due to the many stories they have heard about his miracles and incredible healings. Out of the supposed millions who have been through the ashrams during 60 years, remarkable few claim healing of any major kind, while - of course medical documentation is sparse and never proves the case. This is no hindrance to the many who want to gain boons or obtain the gift of becoming a healer themselves... some have more than a screw loose...

Sathya Sai Baba in Wonderland - and through the looking glass
Sathya Sai Baba promotes a veritable Wonderland which none can enter without the blessing of God (i.e. himself, the Incarnate Creator of the Universe, so he says). widespread the sexual abuse allegations against Sathya Sai Baba have been over a long period of time in different cultures like Malaysia , Greece , the USA, U.K., Australia and India .